This roll out has not been very fair. Too few states & pharmacies have call centers. The websites suck. This one probably does too. Numerous senior citizens don’t have cell phones or emails. Even if you get an appointment, how will you get there?

I don’t have a ton of resources, but I’m gathering what I’ve seen in different states from the news. Hopefully it can be of help.

Ride programs

Uber & Lyft are offering programs in select states to give free rides to vaccine appointments at Walgreens. Of course, you need an account, a smart phone, and the ability to stomach Uber, but it’s something.

Home-visit vaccinations

In NYC, the city government has begun a pilot program to administer the J&J vaccine at home for some homebound New Yorkers. If you or a loved-one need this program, you can register here. I've heard mid-April is when the city homes to get this up and running for more folks.

Is your area doing home vacations? Find out by calling your (or the person you're helping) primary doctor, checking local news, asking community aid organizations, and checking Area Agency on Aging. Read more about in AARP.

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